Page 2 - Microsoft Word - Newsletter Summer 2020
P. 2

confinement into a bright new world, where politicians would brush aside their differences, nurses and supermarket workers would earn the same as footballers, we would all greet our neighbours with a cheery smile and pollution and consumerism would be a thing of the past. Oh well. We can but dream.
During a discussion on the feasibility of solar-powered flight, it was pointed out that the sun always shines above the clouds, which sounds like a very profound saying, although we were not quite sure how we might use it.
Some of the more unusual subjects covered in recent conversations were Architecture, History (and the removal of statues), Wildlife, Change, Alcohol in society, Religiosity, Fears and phobias, Success and failure, Awards and prizes, and Chance.
We also discussed the subject of Families...
This is my step ladder. I never knew my real ladder.

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